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Atmosperic Conditions.

  1. Leaving the settings at sea level shows the standard conditions at sea level and the Metro factor is " 1 " which has no effect on the ballistic coeficient.

  2. Entering a different altitude returns the standard conditions at that distance above sea level and adjusts the metro factor to reflect those conditions . Multiplying the ballistic coefficient by the metro factor changes it to reflect the bullet's behavior at that altitude and atmospheric conditions.

  3. Changing the temperature or the atmospheric pressure value further alters the metro factor which in turn changes the ballistic coefficient to match the prevailing conditions.


Screen Snapshot and Page Directory
Data Entry
Firearms list
Bullet Database
Atmospheric Conditions
Drag Tables
Estimate B.C.
Calculate B.C.
Multiple B.C.s
Ballistics ~ Trajectories
Sight Adjustments
Wind Drift
Point Blank Range
Main Printout
Trajectory Printout
Wind Printout
Sight Printout
Prices and Ordering Information


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