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Edit Bullet Databases


Large lists of individual bullet characteristics are contained in the Jacketed Bullet and Cast Bullet database with a record for each bullet. A bullet record is composed of many separate fields, each of which contains a portion of the data describing the bullet. The first five of these fields, Vendor name, Caliber, Weight, Style, index # and Ballistic Coefficient are keyed to sort the database in the descending order of each consecutive field. In other words, the database is normally shown as sorted alphabetically according to the Vendor Names, which are in turn sorted by caliber. 


If there are duplicate caliber designations for the same vendor name, they are sorted according to weight. Bullets from the same vendor with identical caliber and weight designations may have a different style or nose configuration, so they are further alphabetized according to the Style field. 


The Index number field is also keyed for sorting so as to prevent the duplication of records in the database. No records containing data identical to all of the first five fields may be entered into the database. Attempting to enter identical records will result is a system-halt with an error message box indicating a "Key Violation".    


(continued below graphic)




     Before attempting to edit any of the databases in this program, it would be wise to make backup copies of the database before any editing or additions are made.


The databases are installed within the folder located at C:\Program files (x86)\TMT\Precision\AllNew\NewData. 


Make a copy of the "NewData" folder and store a copy elsewhere on your computer and also on a CD or Thumb Drive. In case irrevocable mistakes are made when editing the databases, this will preserve the  databases and the secondary indexing files that enable the searching and sorting capabilities of the software.


In the event that one or more of the database files are corrupted, the simple process of re-copying the copied "New Data" folder  back into the Precision\AllNew folder will restore the database integrity.


When it is determined that the new entries in the data base are correct and in working order, it would then be prudent to back up all of the files and folders in the Precision directory to a separate media or disk in case of a system failure that might possibly corrupt the integrity of the software.


To minimize the inadvertent entry of a duplicate record, the Vendor-name,Caliber-value and Drag Table fields may only receive entries from an editable database list of vendor names and caliber values.


Once understood, the process not only helps maintain the integrity of the database but is, in fact, easier and faster than manually entering and proof-reading each field. 


To enter a new record, use the following procedure:


1. Click The "Add a New Bullet" button This will open a new record with the focus on the Vendor field of the record.

2. Click the small arrow at the right to activate the drop-down list of Bullet or Vendor Names. If the desired name is not listed, click on the "Add / Edit Name Lists" button to open the Name Lists Module where the desired Vendor or Bullet Name may be entered and stored.


3. Step through the remaining fields, entering the values for the new bullet record.


If data which is already entered in a field needs to be edited, select the field and then press the F2 key. This will allow editing of the existing data without deleting the entire field entry.


At any time before the record has been posted, the new record and the information already entered and fixed in the entry field may be canceled by entering the Database Navigator and clicking on the (cancel) button. This will safely erase all new data in the record and close the new record without posting the information to the database.


When all the data is correctly entered into the selected entry fields the record must  then be posted to the database using the (post) button.


A bullet  record may be deleted from the database using the following methods.

Select the record to be deleted and then go to the Database Navigator bar and click on the (delete) button and a confirmation box will appear, asking for confirmation of the delete process.


While in a grid and with the focus on the record to be deleted, simultaneously press the Ctrl and Delete buttons. The confirmation box will appear asking for confirmation of the delete process.


Click on the "Delete the Selected Record" button.


Only seven of the entry fields need to be completed in order to maintain database integrity and allow ballistics and trajectory calculations to be performed. These fields are:


1. Vendor

2. Index

3. Groove Diameter

4. Bullet Diameter

5. Weight

6. Working B.C.

7. Drag Table


The Description and Type fields should also be entered to provide for the best database sorting, but it is not necessary to do so.


In order for the module's Ballistic Coefficient Estimator to work, the bullet Ogive and Meplate Type must be selected from the drop down selections and then the fields listed below must have valid values:


O.A.L (bullet over all length), 

Nose D. (diameter at the base of the bullet ogive), 

Tip Dia. (flat meplate diameter or round tip diameter),

B.T.Dia. (optional) (boat tail or bevel base diameter),

B.T. lgth. (optional) (boat tail or bevel base length),


The Coefficient Estimator can not calculate a Secant Ogive from physical measurements.


If a secant ogive is selected, a known Ogive Radius Length, in Nose Calibers, must be manually entered into the Ogive Caliber field after the Ogive Type has been selected.


This estimator will only estimate a G1 ballistic coefficient. The Drag Table field will auto select the G1 value.


The estimator will calculate the ogive radius length (in nose calibers), the sectional density value (S.D.), the form factor and the G1 ballistic coefficient value.


If the ballistic coefficient is entered into the Working B.C. field, that value will be used in the Ballistics and Trajectory Calculations.  


If advertised or tested ballistic coefficients are known, these values may be entered into their respective fields for reference purposes only, 


The Calculated BC, Advertised BC and Tested BC values will not be used in ballistics and trajectory calculations. 


Only the Working B.C. value will be used in ballistics and trajectory calculations.


The multiple ballistic coefficient fields and their associated velocity range fields are an optional feature and are used when the  Calculate Ballistic Coefficients   From Known Velocity Variations Feature is used. However, if these coefficients are known, or available, such as the data published by Lyman for their cast bullets or from Sierra's multiple ballistic coefficient data, those coefficients  may be entered from this grid.  When entering the data, First enter the highest velocity that the bullet is likely to encounter in the Vel1 field and then the ballistic coefficient that would be applicable below that velocity in the BC1 field. Continue listing the next velocity level and its' associated ballistic coefficient value in the remaining fields. The average velocity may be calculated or guessed at and then entered into the BC field for observation purposes, as it will not be utilized in the ballistics and trajectory calculations when two or more multiple ballistic coefficient fields are holding an entry.

Editing the Vendor-name  and Caliber-value Lists 



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When a vendor name or caliber value is not present in the lists, the data may be easily added as follows:


Go to the Navigator Bar and click on the button opening a new record in the grid


Enter the grid and press the "Enter" key to allow editing of the record field.

In the vendor list, type in the vendor name, making sure to start at the far left of the field and to capitalize the first letter of the name  as the sorting of the database is case sensitive and takes into account any spaces in front of the entry.


In the caliber list, type in the bullet diameter, in inches, using the following format [  0.000   ] to insure  that the database will correctly sort the entry and the calculating software properly reads the decimal values of the entry.

After the information is typed, press the "Enter" key to fix the data into the entry field.


If the entry is found to be unnecessary or incorrect, the entry and record may be safely deleted by clicking on the (cancel) button.


Click on the Post Changes button to post the entry field data to the database.


Any record may be removed from the list by clicking on the Delete the Name button. A confirmation box will appear asking for confirmation, allowing either an O.K. or Cancel of the delete request.


The new entry should now be available for selection and entry into the  databases and ballistics and trajectory calculations. However, in some instances before the newly entered data is available,  it may be necessary to shut down the ballistics program in order that the software may obtain a new reading of the database. This will depend on a certain sequence of opening, reading and closing of the database that is not predictable.




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