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Menu Items





Fonts. Select the menu item to open the font editing dialog box. After the font name, size, style and color has been selected, the selection will remain unchanged until the font dialog box is re-opened and edited.








Colors. This color dialog will edit the color of the lined drawing on the Bullet Specs page.





Windows, Forms. Select a menu item to navigate to the various pages and modules.

Selecting the "Main Form Position"  will open the Main Data Entry form in the size and position occupied when the form was last closed.  Deselecting the item will open the form centered on the desktop screen.










Help. Select "Open the Help File" to open the Help file module. The help files are also context sensitive. Select and focus on an area of the software and then press the F1 key to open the help file content concerning the focused area.


Help file editing is an ongoing process. Access a copy of the help files in HTML format stored on the Precision Website. 


As help files are updated, a context sensitive, downloadable help file is stored on the website. To download the file, select the "Download updated help file" menu item.




Copyright ©, TMT Enterprises 2012