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P r e
c i s i o n B u l l e t C a s t i n g A l l o y C a
l c u l a t o r
Version 1.1
- Use a balance beam scale to calculate the Specific Gravity of an alloy.
- Calculate the Specific Gravity of a known casting alloy
- Estimate the Brinell Hardness Number of Tin/Lead Alloys.
- Calculate the pounds of alloy in a casting pot.
- Use the Specific Gravity to calculate the percentage of Tin in a Tin/Lead alloy.
Use Specific Gravity values to calculate the weight of an alloy to add to make a new alloy. Look up all formulas and algorighms of all functions used by the Alloy Calculator Module.- Create custom alloys and mix or blend alloys with calculated Specific Graity and estimated Brinell Hardness Number.
- Calculate Cerrosafe expansion values using an algorithm that works.
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