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Main Form Menu Items
Windows / Forms / Hints
A Comments Page where notes and observations concerning a design may be recorded.
Programming notes and methods may be recorded in this section.
Edit of view the Vendor, or Designer name database.
Open the Draw Bullet Page.
Open the Specification Sketch Page.
Edit or view the Gas Check Database.
Edit the personal and business vital statistics for automatic copy right insertion in the spec sheet.
Calculate Ogive and Meplate dimensions.
Calculate body band lengths and dimensions.
Save the Main Form size and position coordinates.
Font Selection opens dialog boxes that provide font type, style, size and colors for the various modules as indicated.
Specification Colors allows you to choose paper, line and value colors for the bullet sketch.
Help. Select "Open the Help File" to open the Help file module. The help files are also context sensitive. Select and focus on an area of the software and then press the F1 key to open the help file content concerning the focused area.
Help file editing is an ongoing process. Access a copy of the help files in HTML format stored on the Precision Website.
As help files are updated, a context sensitive, downloadable help file is stored on the website. To download the file, select the "Download updated help file" menu item.
Copyright ©, TMT Enterprises 2012