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Load Filter Module

This process in this module will filter the Load, Target and Shot records for the values entered into the color coded fields.  When the Run Filter button is clicked, only the records that contain the values entered into the fields may be viewed in the Load Record and Target Records pages or sorted in the Target Analysis page.

Click the Clear Filter button to allow full viewing and editing of all records associated with the selected firearm.


Either before or after the filtering process, the Viewing and Selection Grid may be sorted and arranged according to Load Number, Bullet or Mold Manufacturer, or Powder Manufacturer, by clicking the radio buttons in the Sort the Database Grid panel.

The No.of Records  value indicates the number of records available for viewing and sorting either before or after the filtering process.
Values may be entered into the filter fields from the keyboard but, to ensure a reliable sorting process, the following procedure may be used to eliminate typing or spelling errors:

1. Locate a desired name or description in the color coded columns in the search grid then move the mouse cursor to the selection and slowly click 2 times (A rapid double-click will move the focus to the selected load on the Load Record Page). This will select the field. 

2. Next, either right-click the selected field and click "Copy" from the popup menu or simultaneously press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys. 

3. Now move the cursor to the proper color-coded window and click the blank field. 

4. Finally, either press the [Ctrl + V] keys or, right-click the field then click the "Paste" option from the pop-up menu to enter a copy of the selected name, description or value that is to be filtered.

5. Now, click the "Run Filter" button to filter the loads records.

Only records that contain the selected values will now be available for sorting in the Target Analysis page or for viewing and editing in the Load Record page.

Copyright (c)2002- 2008. TMT Enterprises. All rights reserved. Modified Sept 2008