A Ballistic Coefficient Estimator module that will access and modify the Cast and Jacketed Bullet databases of Precision Ballistics and Records, Version 4.1.0.
The module may alternatly be used as a stand-alone module if the Precision Ballistics and Records package is not installed
This module is capable of recording the measurements and calculation results of bullets used in current reloading or firing test operations in retreivable records that are then stored in a Cast Bullet Database.
In addition to the physical measurements of the bullets, this module has the ability to store and retrieve digital images or sketches of the bullets.
Data Entry and Calculation Page
(Note - this module does not produce the bullet images shown, the images must be photographed or drawn seperately and may then be stored in the Active Bullet Database)
The images are for reference purposes only, and are not required to calculate a Ballistic Coefficient.
Calculates BC of Round Balls
Calculate BC with Secant Ogive
(Ogive is not calculated - it's value must be known)
Useful measuring hints
Bullets may be retreived from the Cast Bullet Database, containing over 200 bullets of various mold vendors, or from the Jacketed Bullet database, containing nearly 600 bullet records.
Profile statistics and measurements of your cast or jacketed bullets may be entered and stored in each bullet record for easy retrieval and calculations of the ballistic coefficients.
When retrieved from the Cast or jacketed Bullet database, the bullet records are stored in an Active Bullet database.
Ballistic Coefficent calculations may be performed and a photo or image may be stored until such time as the bullet record is no longer needed.
When the record is returned to the Cast or jacketed Bullet Database, all changes, measurements and calculations are retained and stored for future retrieval.
Mailing address:
25820 CoRd 26, Sebeka, MN 56477
Phone: (218) 472-3226
Electronic mail address: support@tmtpages.com
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