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P r e c i s i o n   F i r e a r m   R e c o r d s   S y s t e m ~ 5

The Precision Firearms Records System is designed to collect and store all information concerning each firearm in a collection.  Individual firearms may be assigned a unique name which will key all Vital Statistics, Acquisition Information, Images, Accessory Information, Accessory Images, CommentsRepair and Maintenance Records to that individual firearm.
Complete information, history and stored images  may be collectively or individually printed out in formats that will allow high quality, comprehensive documentation of each firearm in a collection

Clicking on the Shield  Missing image: brassshield.bmp  will open the Configuration Module where the software User Name and vital statistics may be entered.

Any information entered here will be used for Precision Software purposed and will not be shared beyond the scope of the software.

Copyright © 2016 TMT Enterprises. All rights reserved.