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F i r e a r m   A c c e s s o r y   I n f o r m a t i o n 

Accessories, equipment and accouterments of  a selected firearm, such as sights, slings, cleaning equipment and reloading dies or equipment, may be recorded and stored here for either retrieval or printing the data to a hard copy.

More below

Click the New Accessory button to open a new, blank record where the necessary information may be entered and stored.  After the information is entered into the fields, click the Post Changes button to save the information in the database.  If images are to be stored, follow the procedures outlined in the Image Control Topic and then click the Post Image burton. The Load Image and Delete Image buttons will access the temporary image storage folders at C:\ Program files\ TMT\Precision\ArmsRec\AccPics\

The Print button will open the Report module where the printed report may be previewed and/or printed.

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