P r e c i s i o n M o l d L i s t D a t a b a s e ~ V e r s i o n 4.1.1
(Scroll down for more information)
All mold vital statistics may be entered, stored and retreived with the extra capability of storing a digital image of the mold and and image of the bullet cast from the mold..
Context sensitive help files are available for all aspects of the program by clicking the keybord F1 button.
A complete list of all your molds may be printed on an 8.5" x 11" sheet of plain paper.
A single page may be printed for each mold displaying the images and comments stored for the mold.
A Jpeg Image of a dimensional sketch of the bullet may be stored and viewed
(Note) This software module DOES NOT produce the bullet images or dimensional sketchs that are shown.
The Precision Cast Bullet Design Software may be used to create bullet images and dimension sketches shown here.Or
A photograph of a sketch or a close up photograph of a bullet from the mold may be stored here.
An editable list of bullet and mold vendors prevents duplications and misspellings.
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Mailing address:
TMT Enterprises
25820 CoRd 26, Sebeka, MN 56477
Phone: (218) 472-3226
Electronic mail address:Back to: Precision Ballistics Home Page